Friday, May 29, 2009

It's not good bye.

Woit. Last day of school. Very happy because I passed all my subject. Jamming today and tomorrow is gig. Fast right? I want to write my no. on my pick. If I see a hot girl, After my last song, I'll throw the pick at her. LOL. Get it? I'm excited for tomorrow because after this gig, it's rest for my band. It's not good bye right guys?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Finally the end of examination. So glad about it. Stress level is zero now. All of my friends are so happy. Some of them had fun today going to some sort of gig. Sorry I couldn't come Has. Next time can ah. Well what can i say. Hip hip hurray!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hear the sound

Time flies by so fast. I haven't updated for so long. Sorry my fellow readers. Busy on exams and soccer training. Got a very busy schedule during June. Official soccer match, N levels and gigs! Going to be super tiring.

Now currently my hold body is in pain because of the physical training for soccer. My bastard brother. Give all the things so hard and painful at the same time. But it is worth. I think I am inproving in a lot of things. Sprinting, stamina, aggresion and ball control. Really. I realise it myself too.

A lot of problems also being faced. Ridhwan, I really don understand you. You tell me different thing and the next its even worst. What are you keeping from this band? All of us are friends not enemies. Don't keep anything from us please.

Thats all for today folks. Be back after exams finish. I assure you.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

So long...

Wow. So long I didn't post. Sorry my fellow readers. I have been busy because of exams. I don't want to get caught like last year. Always hanging out and never even study for exams. I really regret it. So, I have been serious for this exams. I really want to pass.

About life. There's a lot of up and downs. For the ups, my band has form again. We already created 2 originals. Mixture of atreyu, story of the year and protest the hero. But more to technical riffs. The downs is Ridhwan. Last time it was esfan. Now it's him. He says that he is not ready for the music industry. Now I ask you Ridhwan. What makes you not ready?

You don't even tell us why. You kept us hanging you know. When we ask, you always have your reasons. But sorry to say wan, I know you have something in your mind that you just don't want to tell. How can I know if you don't tell? You like have this other person inside you. Split personality. You think we are going to be easy after you post in your blog saying sorry you can't play drums. What are the reasons?

You know, esfan and jess really want you back. I want you back. I know it is not easy to play drums. But you keep saying cannot. Sometimes I get irritated of that word. Think about the others. Do you think it is easy for them too? It is also difficult for me the first time I play the guitar. Always getting mocked around. But I did not give up. I try and try everytime until I beat them. I use their negative words as a motivation to bot give up and become a better guitarist. Now Barani wants to join us. We do this all just for you and you don't think about us.

That's all I got to say. Think Ridhwan. Do it for your old friends. They really want you.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Nothing interesting today. Honestly I was almost killed by boreness until my brother ask me to swimming with him. I just got back from it. Had some of my friends to follow. Our excitement died when we know that the lazy river and the wave pool was close. But we just swim at the pool and the baby pool. Funny right? Ok, thats all for today. Nothing much like I said.