Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Back in business

Yeah. I'm back to jamming baby. This is what I've been waiting for. Even we only jam 1 song, It was still great. I love my new band. Consist of Jesslyn, Ridhwan and Esfan. Jesslyn was great. She pick up notes very fast but the funny part is that her great shut up during our last song. Hahahaha! Ridhwan was awesome. He is not yet use to the bass but still his beat was constant. No wrong hits only forgot. Haha! Esfan voice was high. He always sing the wrong timing. Haha! Esfan, esfan....

Besides jamming, my school had sports day today. It was awesome when it comes to sec 4 and 5, 4x100 run. It was so fast. I had adrenaline rush when watching. Of course my class 4n3 came in first. I didn't know Shalan was super fast. He was like the horse in kranji. Hahaha! The whole thing ended up with price then all went home. We went jamming as I already told above. Haha.

Well that's all for today folks. Wanna see me play guitar? Go Esfan's blog and see. Pretty hilarious. Haha! Well good bye for now.

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