Monday, October 19, 2009

Rugby fights

So long since I update my blog. Many reasons to it. Wanna know why?

1. Somebody had a happy day
2. Somebody did not pick the phone when needed
3. Bailed jamming
4. No practise
5. He gonna die

If your smart guess who? Tell me when you if know the answer.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Boring day...

Its become so hard for me to be surprise. Your bringing back the real me no judgement in your eyes. Is the way you make feel? Like I'm finding something real. The words are hard to find and I'm gonna get it right this time. Come and take my hand. Let me lift you up. Take away my fears, make me strong enough. When I dance with you, its how I speak the truth. Its just classic when we met, now you make me new.

So you guys believe that I'm in love? You guys got punk'd. LOL! I'm just bored thats all.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

After several months...

You treat me just like another stranger. I feel corrupted right now. I don't know whats my offence right now. What I know I didn't do anything stupid. I'm standing here like a light post. Doing nothing but letting people see their way. I was like a street ranger. Ignorance. Estimation. These two are bad way to judge someone. A stupid way too. Its not even worth to have a girlfriend. What the fuck!? I don't want to hear your sad songs. I just wanna see you in pain. Thats who I am. A violent kid. Yeah a kid, even though I'm 17. Thats what you think of me. I know but I kept silent. Why? Because I don't want you to cry over it. I'm not worth for you to fight for. No more shit. Focus on music and studies. This is my motive now.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oral today.

Had english oral today. Even though I took it last year but I was really nervous. Well home I did well. And I just found out the fucking girl still wanna find trouble with me. Haha. We'll see how it goes.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

New imagination

Had a hard day training today. Why? I'll you why. I couldn't stop thinking about those motherfuckers. I wasn't on form at all. I blame on you fuckers. Corrupted mind of humans that are fucked up. Why must they make a person's live difficult. Motherfuckers. I wish you were dead now.

I couldn't kick the ball properly, I sprint like a I just learn. I even tried imagining that ball was your head. This is the reason why i'm so into metal. This is when I can release my anger or stress. Fucking head banging and make my shredding go even faster. All that hatred goes to my guitar playing. And thats why I'm damn fucking good. Say whatever you want. Don't be surprise that a dirtyminded guy get a pretty girl. Fuckers!

Friday, July 3, 2009

What the fuck!?

People = shit. That's all I can say to those motherfuckers out there. Yes, you know who you are. If you come across my blog. You should read it. This is for those fucking girls that think I'm dirty minded. Fuck you.

What can't take a joke? What about those boys who touch your private? Nothing wrong with that right? Have a huge problem with my joke? Is that logic? Think you motherfuckers. You know when you gossip there is always that someone who betrays you? They are the ones who tell the person who you gossip about. All the information was passed to the victim. But unlucky because the victim is me. Trust me, you picked the wrong person. But I okay with that. Its okay. Say whatever you like. I don't care. Don't until its too much you fuckers. Really, you picked the wrong person.

This is the time I'll plot my revenge. It will come one day don't worry. Just be prepared. Why don't you just die now and avoid my wrath? If your brave enough then it shouldn't be a problem for me. Because I'll have my revenge. Whatever it takes just to put you through what You've put me through. Struggling the tip I'll give for you. I'll make you go through a mental break if it takes for you to throw in the towel.

I thought you were innocent. Well I've learn my lesson. Never trust anyone except for the ones who are close. Don't worry I'll haunt you. You see faces where ever you go shithead. Easy said just die. Electrify your head motherfuckers. Think before saying anything. Like you girls aren't that dirty. Fuck you. Choose does with looks. Fuckers! Have your brains set up right shithead. You really just pissed me off. Motherfuckers!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Who's back?

Hey I'm back. Here to write another post dudes and dudettes. Hahaha. Okay firstly, my band is reborn again. Finally some actions you know. Well I have been creating some freaking riffs when were kinda taking a break I guess. Secondly, my fucking guitar is repaired man. Again some action. I love it since it a floyde rose guitar. And Last, I got a new toy. Transformers. LOL. Weird right? Well I have nothing more to say so you must blame it on the alcohol. LOL. OK fucking lame.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

War is peace

Why do people always make decision without me knowing about it? I thought after the Corefest it was break for the band. I told you guys I wanna focus on studies. Why are you guys doing this to me. 25th july got another gig? You guys really don tell me anything. I know I'm the youngest in the band but I have the right to voice out. This is a band thing not individual shit. Fuck you! I feel like quiting this shit man. Fuck you man!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Jig ' motherfucking ' saw

This burning sensation does not stop. This hate i have still grows. I cannot stop it by myself. It seems like nothing is wrong with me. I'm still acting the same but the inside that is different. Why can't I get a break after all this intensive shit. It still clouds inside my head. It is not worth fighting for. I'm sick of all this shit. Its like Cinderella step mother is controlling me. Fuck it! This is not my life I dream of. I don't want no lesson, no lecture and shit. I want REVENGE! My heart is not happy until I see blood. This is to does who have underestimated me. I am the Blind Bandit.

Friday, May 29, 2009

It's not good bye.

Woit. Last day of school. Very happy because I passed all my subject. Jamming today and tomorrow is gig. Fast right? I want to write my no. on my pick. If I see a hot girl, After my last song, I'll throw the pick at her. LOL. Get it? I'm excited for tomorrow because after this gig, it's rest for my band. It's not good bye right guys?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Finally the end of examination. So glad about it. Stress level is zero now. All of my friends are so happy. Some of them had fun today going to some sort of gig. Sorry I couldn't come Has. Next time can ah. Well what can i say. Hip hip hurray!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hear the sound

Time flies by so fast. I haven't updated for so long. Sorry my fellow readers. Busy on exams and soccer training. Got a very busy schedule during June. Official soccer match, N levels and gigs! Going to be super tiring.

Now currently my hold body is in pain because of the physical training for soccer. My bastard brother. Give all the things so hard and painful at the same time. But it is worth. I think I am inproving in a lot of things. Sprinting, stamina, aggresion and ball control. Really. I realise it myself too.

A lot of problems also being faced. Ridhwan, I really don understand you. You tell me different thing and the next its even worst. What are you keeping from this band? All of us are friends not enemies. Don't keep anything from us please.

Thats all for today folks. Be back after exams finish. I assure you.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

So long...

Wow. So long I didn't post. Sorry my fellow readers. I have been busy because of exams. I don't want to get caught like last year. Always hanging out and never even study for exams. I really regret it. So, I have been serious for this exams. I really want to pass.

About life. There's a lot of up and downs. For the ups, my band has form again. We already created 2 originals. Mixture of atreyu, story of the year and protest the hero. But more to technical riffs. The downs is Ridhwan. Last time it was esfan. Now it's him. He says that he is not ready for the music industry. Now I ask you Ridhwan. What makes you not ready?

You don't even tell us why. You kept us hanging you know. When we ask, you always have your reasons. But sorry to say wan, I know you have something in your mind that you just don't want to tell. How can I know if you don't tell? You like have this other person inside you. Split personality. You think we are going to be easy after you post in your blog saying sorry you can't play drums. What are the reasons?

You know, esfan and jess really want you back. I want you back. I know it is not easy to play drums. But you keep saying cannot. Sometimes I get irritated of that word. Think about the others. Do you think it is easy for them too? It is also difficult for me the first time I play the guitar. Always getting mocked around. But I did not give up. I try and try everytime until I beat them. I use their negative words as a motivation to bot give up and become a better guitarist. Now Barani wants to join us. We do this all just for you and you don't think about us.

That's all I got to say. Think Ridhwan. Do it for your old friends. They really want you.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Nothing interesting today. Honestly I was almost killed by boreness until my brother ask me to swimming with him. I just got back from it. Had some of my friends to follow. Our excitement died when we know that the lazy river and the wave pool was close. But we just swim at the pool and the baby pool. Funny right? Ok, thats all for today. Nothing much like I said.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Nice run.

Wooo. Just finish my 1 hour jog. It was awesome. It's been very long sice I started running like this. Well in school I had flu. So I went home to rest. I really thank Miss Wong because when my brother didn't pick up the phone, she let me go home. That means she really can see I'm sick. I'm better now so tomorrow I'll be going to school.

I really want to loss weight and look good. Being healthy is great because we are always fit and seldom get sick. Not only that, I can gain stamina as it will help me with my soccer team. I will not get tired when I'm performing too. This is one great way to keep fit.

Well thats all for today. Nothing much to say. I found a new friend named Nisa. Haha. And Liy, you pics are hot and sexy. LOL

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Be silent!

Wow. It has been 3 days didn't post. A record. The pass three days nothing much really happened. Just a lot of studying only. Exams starts this thursday. So quick you know. I haven revise at all. Been busy searching for GF. Well you know what I mean. And also for gig. 2nd May and 30th May. Awesome right?

Today I watch ' Jagan tegur' - means be silent at Cathay cinema. It was very shocking because of the sound effect. The ghost isn't scary. Only the sound effect make the whole crowd jump. After the horror show, I went to eat at Chua Chu kang park. The food is so nice. I was full after eating all of it. I went to my cousin's house after the meal. Played around with his son and watch X-men. It was great.

Well thats all I can say today. Be sure to catch me again another time. Chau!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Why must there be my name when esfan is angry? I did nothing what! I only disturb him by joke. Wan you don't anyhow bomb me. Haha. C'mon esfan don't take it seriously. It's just a freaking joke. What a fight in school. Throw chair and shit. Haha. Fun!

Don't run away from everything. Don't like just say. I'll stop it. You know why everyone disturb you? It is not you are too nice. Your just too sensitive at stuff. In school, I think you just overacted. Don't anyhow make trouble with people just to let them know you are stress. If your like this, your just thinking about yourself. Don't let your stress corrupt you. Be strong.

Why did you even fight with Has? If your angry with me then scold me. Why must other people be at hurt? I was just laughing when you fight. Over a stupid little matter. You already know your class. They like to play around. Don't go emo with it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I pity you....

Wow. Burn the bridge is dead. I can't believe it. Just one flick, one spark, one stupid joke and we're all dead. It's like mersa virus. Do you know what is that? It's a flesh eating virus my friend. A virus that destroy our hope and dreams. Like Cinderella's step mother. Every band must always have that one person who breaks it all. Why must there be? Here is the answer. That person CAN'T TAKE A STUPID LITTLE JOKE!

Being too nice? Well I don't believe that. What are you talking about my friend? What is the reason that makes you angry? Is it because I disturb you? You're making me laugh. What about the picture of me sleeping and making faces that you put in your blog? Think my friend. That's even more worst than disturbing. When everyone look at the picture, they make joke about it and spread it. Worst than disturbing right?

For your info, wan and me are still continuing. You know what that means? Burn the bridge is NOT DEAD! We're just missing one person. So? Big deal is it? Well Jes, what's your answer? If all of them stop, I'm still standing strong. I can still form a band and name it Burn the bridge too. It's my idea for this band name. I have the ability to take it away and use it again. I have the ideas and what do you have?

About the joke. Are being too nice or are you plain guilty? Think before you answer. Like Miss Lee said today to Didie and Jes. If you know it is just a joke, why do you make it a big deal? Why are so restless about it? Why do you even think for a second that we are for real? It is just plain funny. C'mon. Do you think I will entertain your childish act? Well if you want to forget about this band, go ahead. I don't mind. I don't feel that I've lost something important. What can I say?
May you be laid to waste my friend.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


The most awesome game i ever played. Western Wolves vs Gan Eng Seng. Really really great. Its a draw game but it's very challenging and exciting. They were good too. I played my best for this game. This is how it goes. Gan Eng Seng scored 3 minutes before half time. It was very unexpected. 15 minutes of break we discuss our attack. When second half came, all of us were very ready. I'd say the whole second half we attack all the way. A lot of chances missed by many of my friends including me. We played really hard. Our efforts pay us a goal. 3 minutes before extra time. My cousin Hilmi scored the goal. We became more confident when he scored the equalizer. The game ended a draw.

Gan Eng Seng requested for a second leg. We accepted. Next saturday is the date. 25th April. I make sure we play our best for that game to win in aggregate. Well today we played at their home. So next saturday they will play at our home. This is gonna be awesome. Thanks to hilmi for the equaliser. Western Wolves will not be a good team without him. I'm gonna train myself for that day. Play my best for it. Thats all for today. Awesome!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Alley woop!

NAPFA. It's all come to this, fitness and ability. Cheated in pull up as always, 41 sit ups, 42cm for sit and reach, 190cm for standing broadjump and 10.2 sec for shuttle run. I'm just waiting for 2.4km run. This is one of my strenghts in NAPFA.

A lot of joking around after that as we waited for Jesslyn to finish. We hang out untill 5.30. Liy and Naf were there too. Mixing with us and talking nonsense. Esfan was disturbed the most. It was me who do it. Disturb him and his girlfriend. I feel good doing it because he put my sleeping pic in his blog. He deserve it. I made a song called the Nunu song. It mad Esfan mad and made Ridhwan feel great.

Tomorrow I'll be jamming. I'll introduce to them my song. I haven't got the name only the music. Hope it will be fun. We are Burn the bridge. Thank you. (:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Drill through you

Why are typical malay family so fucked up? They don't give their children a chance to do their interest. They would say 'from bad to worst'. I hate this kind of parents. Why are they controling our lives? Why can't they see us happy? Why are they doing this to us? Is it because they want to take revenge because their parent do to them the same? I hate this shit. Ridhwan, I pity you my friend. Don't let them control you. Is this your interst? If it is, do it my friend. Be free from the contaminated mind of your parents. This is why hardcore music is born. Anger realiser and also builts hatred among someone. Be true to yourself and don't let other's bring you down. Let's kill, kill, kill.


Saturday, April 11, 2009


Had a great time today. Went to peninsula to check out on guitars. The guitar I wanted for so long, LTD MH-50, price has gone done. From $600 to $395. Cheap right. So there is a lot to say and I'm lazy to say so here are some pics. Well it was I wanted us to go out to have some freaking fun. Esfan was called "Marah ketat" means tightly angry because of his freaking skinny jeans. Hahaha. Ridhwan was like a hiphoper and Jes like normal. So here it ends.

Well we only had one place to take pic. Its not full of mat reps as all of us hate them. So this us. Burn the bridge. Me - Lead, Jes - Rythm, Wan - Drums and Esfan - Vocals.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Back in business

Yeah. I'm back to jamming baby. This is what I've been waiting for. Even we only jam 1 song, It was still great. I love my new band. Consist of Jesslyn, Ridhwan and Esfan. Jesslyn was great. She pick up notes very fast but the funny part is that her great shut up during our last song. Hahahaha! Ridhwan was awesome. He is not yet use to the bass but still his beat was constant. No wrong hits only forgot. Haha! Esfan voice was high. He always sing the wrong timing. Haha! Esfan, esfan....

Besides jamming, my school had sports day today. It was awesome when it comes to sec 4 and 5, 4x100 run. It was so fast. I had adrenaline rush when watching. Of course my class 4n3 came in first. I didn't know Shalan was super fast. He was like the horse in kranji. Hahaha! The whole thing ended up with price then all went home. We went jamming as I already told above. Haha.

Well that's all for today folks. Wanna see me play guitar? Go Esfan's blog and see. Pretty hilarious. Haha! Well good bye for now.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Pulse of the maggots

Sorry for keeping you'll waiting for another post. Been a little busy for gig you know. It's crazy. So today was the whole class worst day. After mother tongue, we when back to class, there was a freaking terrible smell. The smell was unexplainable. It was horrible. The whole bare with for about a few minutes and was thinking, where did the smell come from? Bo wei found it. It was under Afiq's table. Its rotten food. Scramble egg and I don't know what. It was all disgusting yellow in colour. Miss wong threw it outside. Didie took jesslyn perfume and spray it all over. Its was such a relief getting a nice smell.

After maths, all the chinese student and Didie went to see whats inside. They saw a whole lot of maggots. It was super disgusting man. I really didn't want to see it. The smell can already make me faint.

But after that, nothing really much happened today. Just plain boreness and tireness. Jes already book for wednesday jamming. First time and I hope it's worth my money. Well thats all for today folks. I'll be back maybe on wednesday.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

We are ready baby.

Yes. Burn the bridge is in progress. Jes memorise the whole song already. Ridhwan already go the hang of the drums. Now only Esfan. He wanna sing but shy. C'mon la Esfan. If performing how? Nevermind you will get it. It's okay.

After the session, I went to my grandmother's house. Most of my cousin are there. I ate nasi lemak and for dessert, chocolate ice cream and chocolate fudge. Totally chocolate. It was nice eating while watching ong bak 2 with my cousins. About half way of the story I went in my cousins room and slept. It was so nice. Woke up near 7 pm and went home.

Currently brainstorming for the song I made. Its more to thrash, rocky and technical stuff. I don't know if my friends like it. So until hear I stop. Nothing much to say today.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Welcome home

I welcome today is school. Everyone in class ask me why didn't come yesterday. Well I was sick. What to say? Well thanks class for being so concern.Its also a tiring day because I had 2 jamming session. Dyeth and Meredyth. On 11th april Dyeth is performing 2 gigs. I was shock to hear that. That is going to be damn tiring man. Well Meredyth was catching up. Its been so long we didn't jam. I was so feeling it when jamming with them. Tomorrow my band, Burn the bridge, is coming to my house for session. Hope it's going to be a good one

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Absent from school today. I was having a super headache and I couldn't really think straight. My mom ask me to rest. I slept until 12 noon. I had a great sleep and almost 3/4 of my headache is gone. I woke up and McDonald's was served. My brother bought it for me. Then I played game until about 2 I think.

I watched the maury show at youtube. It's most about reality and different things. Thanks to Liy. She introduce me to this show. But the video she gave was a bit NC 16. It's about a girl who is 15 years old already slept with 15 different guys for 300 times. Its crazy isn't it? Well today I watched about phobia and paranormal. The phobia think was funny and crazy. They were scared of stupid things. Balloons, pickles, cotton ball and even mustard. It's crazy isn't it.
The paranormal thing was cool. They show videos of ghost and stuff. Some of them were really scary. I was shock by some of the videos. I was scared myself. But it was cool.

I went to visit my grandfather at Alexander hospital. His leg was hurt really bad. I pity him.
But thats all can I say today. Tomorrow is a big day for me.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Smiling does not heal

A short and simple post. Nothing interesting today. I was too tired today. My headache came back during chemistry. I don't know why but i could not tolerate it. I drag myself to geography with this headache. I was faking myself by smiling through the whole day. After I ate during recess it was okay a little. Well that kept me going you know. I almost knock Liyana. If i do, its the second time already. Sorry Liy:). I had a headache. No remedial today. So went home early and sleep while watching ben 10. That's all for today.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Click boom!

This what happened in school.

1. Chemistry - new topic blast furnace
2. Mother tongue - construction of sentences
3. Maths - area of triangle (1/2bc sin A)
4. Geography - development
5. Recess - ate nasi goreng
6. Physics - electricity
7. English - letter writing

Yesterday was jamming session. Dyeth. Played two new songs by Lamb of God. Set to fail and broken hands. Original song, forgotten, has changed. After jamming, went to the nearest coffee shop and hang out. Talk about band stuff. It was surprising that I drank 2 glasses of tea. Went home and bought McDonald's for dinner. And the end happens when I fall asleep.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I woke up today because of my vibrating phone. My friend woke me up about 8.30 in the morning to go for training. Good thing I already pack my boots and stuff. I woke my brother up and we were on our way. Since my brother is the captain, he ask gave everyone positions. All my other friends didn't argue with him. That's good you know. My first position was right back, second was striker and third was right wing. My brother made a deal with me. If he is tired during the game, I'll be the one switching with me.

Esfan, Ridhwan and Jesslyn cam to my house for session. Wan played the drum and Jes became my student for guitar. Good thing is Jes pick up very fast. I like. hahahaha. Wan is struggling with the bass. He cannot get it yet but just be patient Wan. You will get it. I'm sure. Jes went home first. She needs to go to her grandmother's house. The others ate spaghetti. My mom cook for them. Then we were off to soccer. Again for me.

We played with some old Myanmar team. They were very rough in tackling. I manage to get some chances but the goalkeeper was awesome. Well I got substituted because I was so tired. Most of them clap for me. I don't know why but they say I played good. I really think I wasn't that good you know.

After the match I went to see my sister dancing for tomorrow's Singapore best dance crew. They were very funny. They always joke around. After that I went to buy food with my brother. Then went home and now I'm tired and beat while chatting with Liy and Jes haha. So that's today.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Virtual breakdown

Today isn't that awesome. Very tired today. My headache hasn't left me yet. I'm still having it now. So much pain you know. The sun's heat dehydrate me almost every hour. I couldn't focus in class and had a lot of nap during lesson. Last period today was English. That period is the most hated by many of my classmates. The whole class did composition test. I wrote about tragic incident. After it's over I went home immediately.

4.30pm - 5.30pm is the timing for my 2 favourite show in Disney channel. Wizards of Waverly place and Hannah Montana. I watched Wizards of Waverly place complete but during Hannah Montana, I slept. When I woke up it was 7.00pm. My mom isn't home yet. She had course at Boon lay garden primary.

For dinner, I had pizza hut. My mom insisted on it. She said she had enough of rice and KFC and McDonald for the week. I ordered pizza and it came around 8.15. I was watching American idol at star world. We ate happily together. Now I'm listening to music as always. My legs are so weak and I feel like sleeping again. Well that's all for today.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Important blasting

Headache. Its been with me for the whole day. Now I'm still having it. I hate it so much. I couldn't really concerntrate in school. I had a lot of sleep time at school. During physics, maths and chemistry. Even during remedial. I think its because of this thing. Good thing is that Ms Chan knew I was sleeping but didn't wake up. I think see knows.

Beside that. Me, Esfan and Ridhwan, during mother tongue, discuss about possible band names. Its funny and lame what they thought of giving our band name. Scream of juliet, Armeggedon, Tears of blood and more. Hey guys, we're not a deathmetal band guys. I gave burn the bridge. They liked it. I was a little surprise that they liked it. Now they are deciding on Burn THE bridge or Burn THAT bridge.

Now currently listening to music. Someone would be surprise tomorrow because I drew her face. I don't why I drew but she is kind of cute.(hahaha) Well thats all for today. Its just a tiring and boring day.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Free free!

Hello it's me. I'm back with another post. Well today was great you know. In school my class had six free period because my teacher was absent. It was awesome. We freely take out our handphone. Most of the boys, oh well, they saw adult movies. The girls, some sleep and some play around as always. Well me, Ridhwan and Jesslyn discuss about our band. What song want to play and stuff. I played arm wrestling with some of my classmates. I only won a few matches, still it was tough. There was no remedial today. The whole class was so happy that we got to go home early. That is in school story.
When I got home, I quickly get ready for soccer training. I wore Hull city jersey. I was so excited for training. The bad thing is the weather didn't allow us to play. Dark clouds lingger above as lightning sight was horrible. We quickly went for shelter. Then my brother, with his Arsenal jersey on, he offered us to play at fico. Futsal. We only played for 1 hour but it was awesome. I made a lot of sliding tackles. It was fun sliding around. Well after that I went home. Tired and with blisters on my feet.
When I got home my mother and brother open up the new computer. They were tired fixing but I was happily eating. At the same time watching biggest losser. Now I'm using the new computer. Its okay. The sound is awesome. This is great for me. Can have personal things inside. Currently, listening to song. Hardcore as normal. Well it ends here. I'll be back with another posy my friends.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Yo yo yo. I'm back with another post. Well today is almost the same as yesterday. Got mock test but today's was science and social studies. I got problem during Physics paper because some of the sec 3 formula I forgot. But I finally figured it out about 10 minutes later. Social studies was okay. I don't know why I can answer the essay question. My hand were cramp during writing. I wrote so fast that I forget about the time. After the whole thing, I went home by train. I was too tired to take the bus.

I met up with my primary school friend. They were hanging out at the playground near my block. I hang out with them for a while only because I know home will be bring. They wanted to go to the gym to get some exercise. I talk to them until their friend come. Well, tomorrow we will still meet. I got soccer training tomorrow and I'll definitely wear my new Hull city jersey I bought at Queensway.

I'll be having gig on 11th April. Its only about two weeks from now and I haven't learn any of the song that my band wanted to play. Most of the song are by Lamb Of God. It will be awesome as I hope the crowd will mosh. Now my worry is bass. I have not bought a bass yet. I'll be borrowing my friend maybe. I don't know. My another band want to jam on saturday. I hope they already learn the song beacuse it will be boring if they don't.

Now currently listen to hardcore song. Lamb Of God, Suicide Silence and Norma Jean. My favourite.

Tomorrow will be tha day I post again. But it will late because of soccer training. I think I'll be playing defend tomorrow. Hull city what. Bye my friends. And sorry for knocking you in school Liyana. (Haha)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lets whisper

Why am I feeling so heavy today? In school I got a headache. I could not really focus in class and during mock test? Am I getting sick? Did I sleep late last night? These question run through my mind almost every second. I was so sick of these. Not only I was thinking of answers but I was randomly thinking of her. I don't know why but its true. I could not stop this situation.

I felt so weird. I felt like I was the guilty one. Is this love or like? I don't know. Really, I don't know. After 8 days being ditched, I could not stop thinking about her. Its like drug already. I was so mad and confuse after the incident. But still, I have feelings for her. The sorry(s) posted she gave me did work a little. But I could not forget that day. I just don't know why I started thinking about her.

Am I in love? Am I the one who is overacting? Why must I forgive her? Should I forget about her? Should I forgive her? These questions in my head are simply trapped inside. I don't know which on to choose. To forgive or not. But my feelings for her is too strong that I could not turn run like hell from this problem. Please my questions. Don't make me fall. This is what I hope will not happen to me.

I accept your apology my friend. Those sorry(s) wasn't much but still I forgive you. I hope you read this post. Its okay if you forget about the date. I am willing to forgive and forget if you would give me a chance to redeem myself. Please, read my post. I know your out there somewhere. I will give you a chance.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Let's go and kill

Hello fellow friends. I am here for another post. Today is a very wonderful day. A day that I spend most hours at home playing game and watching TV. Only around 3 pm I went to Jurong Point to buy a new computer. My main computer is already damage. And I can hear it singing damaged by Danity Kane(hahahaha). Playing game as usual, soccer game. Don't ask why because most of my RPG game have already been completed. Well back to today.

Morning I woke up, ate nasi ayam and then bath. Play game then go Jurong Point. Buy computer, eat anderson ice cream, look for Manchester united jersey ($132 - impossible), pay bills, bought Deli' france for dinner then went home. Currently now playing game and chatting with my new found friend mimi salamah.

Those that summarise my whole day? I think so. Thats it for today my friends and fans. I don't know when I'll be posting again. Wait wait. I think tomorrow would be great. Until then see ya...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blindfold aside

A great day to post today. I had an awesome time with my cousins. We went out and watch a movie. The movie was Race to witch mountain. Dwyane johnson was the main character in that story. It was awesome because got aliens. I love aliens you know(Hahahaha). Well after that i bought a ben 10 pencil box. I didn't know whether to buy addidas or nike, so i bought ben 10.(hahaha. again).

Well after today I almost forgot about my recent problem. This good and its a sign. Currently, I'm listening to slipknot - duality. A great song to realise anger. Now my Xbox 360 is calling me. So I gotta go my friends. I'll be back with another post tomorrow or other days.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Divine suicide of K

What a day today. I skipped the whole remedial. I was too tired and I sleep until 12 plus in the afternoon. I woke up, bath and get ready for jamming. I was late for jamming cuz had too take gadget from my friend. When I reached the studio, they where already playing. But the worst is the gadget adapter was a bit crazy. It on and off my itself. After it was okay, we started jamming.

They didn't know what song to play. Ridhwan, the drummer, wasn't sure of playing the drums. Good thing my brother came and teach him some stuff. Ended up me and my brother jam. We played a song for the optimist by Atreyu, rose of sharyn by Killswitch engage and two songs from my band mersa virus and trust and stab. I don't know why they were shock when I'm playing. I think its beacuse i played fast maybe. Well after jamming, I gave them advice about playing the songs they want. They seem serious for this band. I'm happy to know that. I love people who really mean it. That is a good sign.

Well thats all for today. Thats all i can say. Hey, what i can say right?

Monday, March 16, 2009

I shoot,you run

Boring and sleepy. This what i can say about today. Got remedial from 8 - 1.30. In between it, around 10.45, I went home (hahahaha). I was too tired. I don't feel like studying today. I went home with Hasrilaidy and Ridhwan. When I reach around my home, it was already raining. Well at least got reason if my teacher ask tomorrow.

I played soccer and soccer game today. I play the game with my cousin Hilmi. Well usually he would win, but don't know why today he lost to me 3 matches in a row. 1st was Barcelona Vs. Liverpool.I was playing Barcelona. I won by penalty shootout, 5-4. 2nd was Manchester United Vs. Intermilan. I was Manchester. I won 2-1 full time. And 3rd was Hull city Vs. Portsmouth. I was Hull. I won 3-2 full time. It was kinda amazing I won.

Anyway, tomorrow is going to be fun. I'll be jamming with my school friends, the previous one I told in one of my post. Yeah, go read. Only near at chinese garden, straight after remedial. Hope won't cock up. It will unpleasant if it does.

So thats all today. What can I say, its holidays you know.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What an awesome day...

What a day. Woke up around 12 plus in the afternoon. I was awake by my handphone ringtone. It was a message by my mom, asking me if today I am going out or not. Well after being ditched, I got no mood. I wish my guitar wasn't spoil. If not I'll be playing for hours already. That is how I release my anger, through playing guitar and head banging at home. Well back to today's story.
I woke up and food is all ready. I brush my teeth and then i ate my food. It was rice with egg, curry chicken and potato. It was totally delicous when I took my first bite. I had ice lemon tea for drink and after eating, I bath.
Around 2 pm, I watch 3 of my favourite Disney channel shows in youtube.Hannah Montana, Sonny with a chance and my all time favourite Wizards of Waverly place. It was awesome as it deleted my memory about yesterday. Then I had KFC for dinner and played soccer game. Now currently listening to music. The impaler by Winds of Plague. Death metal song. Well tomorrow I'll be schooling and yes of course, I'll get back with another post.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

May she be laid to waste...

Today is a great day. A day that i spend at home alone. Calling my special friend but ended up she was sleeping. Not even remembering about today's activity. Sad to say it, but had too. This my worst day.

In morning, I was so happy and excited to meet my special. Wake up around 7.30 because I had to accompany my mother to go to Botanic Garden. Nice flowers, green trees and beautiful swans swimming in the lake. My heart was patiently waiting for 2pm. I had 2 pieces of roti prata, cheese and egg and an ice Milo for drink. After I got home, there I was waiting for her call. I played soccer game just to kill time. 2pm showed in my clock still no call. My mind was whispering, "Where is she?","What is she doing now?". Every second i waited, I couldn't stop thinking of her. I got worried

When 6pm came,I gave up. For 4 hours I waited for her. She didn't show up. I was so mad and confuse. I couldn't think straight. I started listening to death metal songs. I was imagining myself inside a mosh pit, moshing for my pride. I was controlling my anger.When I got my control of myself, I realised. All my time waiting for her was a total waste of time. This wasn't what i expected from her. Is she trying be the second Jannah? Always trying to make me crash and burn? I was lost again by this thoughts.

Once it's okay, twice is enough. I just had enough getting myself tricked by illusion. Now I'm thinking, should I just give up? Call it quits? Or stand strong like a tree who don't move from place to place. Now I've learned, always have a second plan. The old folks once said, 'Bite once sour, second bite much sour'

May she always be. A ditcher.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Let's do it

Hey i'm back...

Well today isn't much fun. There was physics , maths , mother toungue , DnT-for 3 peroids , recess and 2 periods of boring english. There i was studying as hard as i can but english was too boring so i slept till 8 minutes left. Stress has taken over too. My brains can crack, thinking about my DnT project. Why is it so hard to think of ideas? Well good thing is that march holidays have come. I can at least take a break but i need to go to school for 2 days and 1 day, Flag day.

Tomorrow I'm going out with my favourite, metalhead friend. My friend is a girl but u get the point.Going to peninsula tomorrow. Check on her vintage clothes. I can check out awesome guitar and the plain bag i wanted hahaha. I am looking forward to tuesday cuz i band is jamming. With a few awesome song choice, we can wreck the place.

So, It ends here....
I'll back. I promise

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Excitement in the air

hey back with another post
well yesterday i had so much fun
i had a leadership course
it was really awesome
there some exciting games and videos
but sad to say on about 16 of my classmates
went for the course
so we didn't seperate into groups
we had to write down our class motto and achievements
well i gave the motto...
heroes get remembered, legends never die
then we had to present
i carried the paper of our class motto
hahahaha it was really funny and fun
i'm really beat
i donnoe why but just plain tired
i studied about cosine rule today
thats all i can say
now currently watching Man VS Wild
oh well.....

Monday, March 9, 2009

another one down

hello hello hello
i'm back with another post
well haha today nothing much happened
my band Dyeth got jamming
but i didn't go cuz its a school night man...
my classmates wanna make a band
they wanna play metal but we start as alternative first
cuz our drummer needs time to bulk up u noe
it's esfan,jeslyn,ridwan and me
esfan - vocals
jeslyn - rythm
ridwan - drummer
me - lead
well its a start so just relax first
we are finding a bassist
they just want a bassist
but if can i want a bassist who can tap
well thats for today
i'll be posting again soon

Thursday, March 5, 2009

fallen sick

today i did not go to skool
sore throat is killing me
like someone poking my throat
well thats all i have today

Monday, March 2, 2009

oh my...

sorry for late updates
been busy studying for test and stuff
well wat to say....but i studied hard
today was physics test
yesterday was english
really2 stress u noe
well about jamming last week was awesome
well i borrowed my frens ME-50
its a guitar multi-effect
awesome cuz of the sound
thanks to ME-50
well tomorrow there will be chemistry test
after school got jamming again
but near chinese garden
well its ending of first term

Friday, February 27, 2009


well i couldn't post much
cuz busy studying for test
well march is coming and term one will end
all subject will have test and it will be tiring
good thing my mom understand
she ask me to go out tomorrow to take a break
well i'm jamming tomorrow
but in my head it's thinking about test
it's trapped inside already
haven't find the key
well thats all i can say for today
my pillow is calling me already
bye bye
but tomorrow will be back about jamming

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ahhh! a fake lizard!

well today was fun
played soccer at PE
my team lose but i was fun
then my friends punk'ed people
with this fake house lizard
the girls scream like they saw a ghost
even at assembly we punk'ed different girls
it was fun anyway
now current playing psp
but my pillow is calling me
so good night

Sunday, February 22, 2009


well yesterday was fun
i jam two times both 1h 30min slot
both are metal band
6.30 - 8.00
and the other one
8.30 - 10.00
it was tiring but fun
cuz got some photoshot and video
the room was super cramp
sweat soo much because of the no air-con
hahahaha its was great
here are some photos

Thursday, February 19, 2009

today it is?

today nothing much
it was good to hear
that today there is no remedial
hahaha but at the last period
i got stomachache
i was like "oh no why now?"
after the lesson i went
(if u noe wat i mean)
then i played soccer with my frens
scored 2 goals today hahaha
of course we won cuz it was...
upper sec vs. lower sec
it was kinda like bully hahaha
then after that go home around 3.30
i watch 'anak metropolitan' when i reach home
then saw american idol hahaha
bath,eat and currently playing game haha

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oh yeah...

well last 2 days i was busy
so i could not log in hahaha
anyway nothing really happened
the past 2 days
just busy studying hahaha
well today was not boring as always
watch movie in geography lesson
a movie involving development hahaha
then after school got physics test
it was difficult compared to last year
well haha what can i say

Saturday, February 14, 2009


today nothing much
even it is valentine's day haha
what i do today is...
i played pokemon sapphire version
until i get a lengendary pokemon haha
then i went to my friends house
play FIFA 08
i lost 1-0
he was using holland, i was using turkey
then i went home and play...
pokemon fire red version
just started and my first pokemon is...

Friday, February 13, 2009


hey u noe today is friday
everyone is eager to go home early
i went home fix my guitar
watch new episode of...
wizards of waverly place and
sonny with a chance
both are great show
then my mom called my brother
because she wanted to eat swensen's
then my bro and me drove his new car
to my mom school and pick her up
then went to IMM to eat
i had chicken baked rice
it was really nice
then i ate anderson ice cream
which was super delicious
then bought some stuff then went home
hahaha now i'm bloated

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stress day maybe?

Stress day today?
yeah its is....
i came to school late
cuz i overslept(stupid alarmclock)
i got 4 test
ss 2 test,chem n maths
i play soccer after school as usual
then when home it become worst
my electric guitar's floyde rose bridge was spoil
usually it is straight but now....
it's action is higher
how can play it when it cannot be bend?
so i just played my acoustic guitar
haha...had to

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a day!

Hey back for another post
well today is a little different
PE was cancel cuz ms wong went for a course
waste my time bring PE attire
But the good news is....
I had 4 free periods today!
2 periods before recess which was PE
and 2 periods maths
well...during maths the whole class got a free show
beside my classroom is a condo
all the boys had fun watching this white woman
wearing tang top and G-string exercising
i saw too of course hahahaha
some of the girls also watch the free show too
that was a bit weird but....yeah haha
after school i played soccer with my frens
i wanted too play cuz i missed PE...
had fun playing then after that went home hahaha
came home watch avatar,played guitar
then now currently doing homework

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Normal today

hey my 2nd time blogging
yeah what an achievement
so today nothing much happen
wake up in the morning...go to school
always safe from not doing my homework
got 70% in chemistry test
and got to bash Esfan cuz its his b'day
my remedial ended 3.30pm
out of nowhere my brother came
with his new car to fetch me...
i donnoe why he did that but...
i think i know the reason...hehehe
when to my grandmom's house to get something
then went home...hahaha
normal day schedule

Monday, February 9, 2009

First time?

Wow its my first time blogging
this great....really great
well urm so yeah first time
did i mention that?
ouh yeah i did...hahaha
yeah donnoe what to write yet
so this is it will be back tomorrow